I'm Back!
I've been on hiatus mode since January, and I've finally decided to come back to blogging - with a new layout and url. No particular reason except I've got lotsa backdated stuff to update, and too foresee loads of upcoming happening happenings, now that my DARLING's back!December: MY DARLING's BACK, Flesh Imp Battle of the S6xes Show, XM's Retro Party & Ronnie's last day.
my darlin, me, jia and na @Zouk !
Flesh Imp Battle of the S6xes Show - The Crew.
The RMD Team, plus SP, but there's 2 missing from the picture, KW and Travis.
The ah-go-go sisters, left: carolina, shamie, me, serene & angela.
Once again, retro XMers
Ronnie's last day, we were @Zouk, we'll miss you, wishing you all the best :)
November: Thanks to Matthew and Ruel, the pictures look great
http://mattphotography.com/, http://pbase.com/ruel.
October: Did a Flesh Imp shoot, was featured in Juice mag, Flesh Imp stores.
Upcoming Weeks Schedule:
Monday, Tue - Leave
Wed, Thur, Friday - Working, but Friday's my last day, so it's holidays till 8th Jan 2007. Don't envy me :)
Labels: leslie goh