Random Post
It's been awhile since I last posted something, reason being:1. Totally busy with my work, everyday literally
2. Fell ill right after my birthday for 1week plus, it's a pity..actually wanted to post some really nice pictures for my 25th birthday celebration, next time maybe
3. Obsessed with Japanese & Korean Drama, well it's the only thing that takes away all my stress from work, so SHUDUP if you wanna say I'm a loser!
So why the sudden update now, it's because I just happened to read a blog entry posted by this person, and he seemed very upset and angry with his dad (if I didn't decipher the situation wrongly). And after reading it, I actually was quite disturbed what he wrote (not mentioning it just to give the dad some respect).
Seriously whatever it is, I feel that it is best not to write when one is angry because the mind can't think at that time. Needless to say, whatever that comes out without being processed can't be anything good.