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Monday, January 8, 2007

HK Trip 2nd - 7th Jan 2007

It was a fun but tiring trip, really thanking will for letting us stay over and making a mess out of his place during that 6 days, and too being a generous host, brought us around shopping and treated us to many great food. THANKS WILL, we'll see you soon!

Being the second time in HK, we visited Disneyland for we missed it the first time round. I should say it's not that fantastic as I imagined it to be, more like for kids. I preferred Movieworld(australia) to Disneyland(hk), the rides were better and the place bigger and more to see.

Here are some pics, the rest of'em(over 200) I'm still uploading and will update the link once it's done, check back for more pictures my frens :)

Jumbo ride

That's us with funny faces

Beautiful castle

taken @Lost LKF

drinking up, from left: me, darl and will

coming home

that's my loot