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Sunday, April 15, 2007

It's just a big day for us!

Saturday, 14th April was my darling's convocation held at NUS, where he officially graduated from UQ.

with his family

his 'serious' side


After the graduation ceremony, we went to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and we decided on that because there wasn't anything else for us to choose from as we've already watched most of the recent, decent nice movies. Well.. we didn't know it was an animation from the start and we went into the cinema, seated and got puzzled when we saw that they are screening some unfamiliar animation. And naturally I nudge my darl and asked him to check with someone beside to find out what film they are showing, and the person replied, "Erm..er I think it is Ninja Turtles.." And we were like, okkkkk..oh well...

At the end of the short and not that fantastic movie, we went to have dinner at The French Stall at Little India. As the name imply, they serve authentic French cuisine and if you're looking for something different and at an affordable price, you may consider coming here.

we didn't particularly like the chicken liver. Taste quite yucky, and it's cold.

I say the veal shank is the best out of all we've ordered.


Happy 4 Years Anniversary to us
4(April) x 4(Years) = The number 16

Our 4 years together, that explains why it's a big day for us. I think i may have disappointed my darl abit because he went through the trouble of doing something different this time. He handled me an envelope and told me he bought vouchers for me and when i opened it i saw strips of paper with words printed on them and they just don't really make any sense to me. My darl went on to explain that I have to guess the present from the clues on the strips of papers to receive the actual presents. I did try my best to guess what it is and i just did not manage to get any of them right even after like a million tries and then i got a little discouraged and he did not want to give me any clues. Without any choice, he helped me through the 4 strips and i must say i really sux at it, i think i'm weekend brain dead. I can see that my darl is obviously a'lil pissed, but at the end after seeing smoke coming out of my head from the intense racking of my brain (or he said i didn't try hard enough), he lead me into saying out the answers, ALL 4 of them..

carrying my big box of love from my darl

that's my darl and my 4 presents for each year we're together

that's a miss piggy lying amidst all the presents, feels like my birthday :D

Thanks darling for putting so much effort into this, really appreciate all you have done not just on this occasion but for the last past 4 years, everything from big to the nitty gritty details.
Love ya lots and may we have greater days ahead of us.