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Friday, June 1, 2007

my darl's 24th birthday

Drew reserved a table at Phuture for his birthday celebration and everywhere around Zouk was completely packed because of Vesak day holiday the next day. We reached there around 10plus and the queue has already reached all the way to the car park and back. Luckily we had the sane mind to weave and cut into the queue and mananged to get in.

And there it was just me and him, waiting for his friends to arrive. Turned out all tickets at Phuture was sold out by the time they reached, and they had to re-queue to enter from Velvet. If I'm right, I think we waited for them for at least an hour an a half, and they managed to get in only after drew went out and tried to "sweet talk" the bouncer...

what can we expect from celebrating your birthday at a club, well PURE DRUNKENNESS! a nite of hard liquor followed by puke~puke and more puke :|~~~~~~~~~

my sweetheart and I

his groupie

another groupie

us again

happy ~

Vesak day, planned for potluck at Shane's place and all of us brought our specialties.

hmm, WHO IS THAT ON THE RIGHT, looks damn cool lol.

us again

the food we had, meatball spagetti, stir fried bak choy, fried dumplings and seafood balls (best), chicken curry, bee hoon, finger food platter, pork ribs

this was the surprise part, my self made oreo cheese cake to drew

better be a yum!

from me, look at him he's got oreo cookies all over his teeth that's why he's smiling weird
drew with his pressie